This refund policy specifies the conditions under which advertisers (sellers) and customers may request refunds on

Buyers are eligible for refunds.

Service Not Delivered: When the advertised service is not delivered as described.

Technical Issues: If platform-related technical issues limit access to the service.

Duplicate Payments: In circumstances of unintentional double payment.

For Advertisers:

Platform Malfunction: When technical issues with the site impede ad performance.

Service Removal: If advertisements are removed without breaching the conditions.

Non-refundable situations for buyers:

Change of Mind: After-purchase regret.

Misunderstanding of services: incorrect assumptions regarding services.

If the terms and conditions are violated.

For Advertisers:

Ads were deleted due to policy violations.

Low engagement means fewer reactions or clicks than intended.

The Refund Request Process

Contact Support: Send an email to within 7 days of the issue.

Give Specifics: Give the issue description, the transaction details, and the evidence of purchase.

Evaluation: The request will be examined by our staff to verify eligibility.

Reimbursements that are approved will be issued in a span of 14 business days. Email confirmation will be sent to you.

Details of Contact:

For enquiries or refund claims, please email to us.

In summary

Users acknowledge and agree to the return policy by using Our objective is to satisfy buyers and advertisers alike while upholding an honest and transparent process.